Now more than ever, we need educators to do what they do best and help shape the next generation of leaders who can change our future. Marcela reminds you of your special ability to connect with students and have a direct impact on their life’s outcomes.




Five Principles to Strengthen Relationships with Students

Author Marcela Andrés offers five key principles to unlocking connections with students: know your why; understand context beyond compliance; foster meaningful interactions; design high-quality learning environments; and partner with key stakeholders. For each principle, she provides high-leverage practices and strategies you can implement, a case study to crystalize the concept, and reflection questions to apply to your practice. The book ends with a reminder to put your own oxygen mask on first, and a reminder of the power of human connection and the legacy you will create.

Muchas veces nos enfocamos en mejorar nuestras propias circunstancias pero se nos olvida mirar hacia atrás y echarle la mano a los que vienen detrás.
Many times we focus on improving our own circumstances but we forget to look back and lend a hand to those who come behind.
— Fidelina Ortiz